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How to Leave an Apple Podcast Review

If you’ve been enjoying the Figure Out Your Life podcast, I would love it if you left a rating and review on iTunes. It really helps more people discover us on Apple Podcasts. Here are 5 simple steps to leave an Apple Podcast review from your mobile device:

Method 1: From the Podcasts app

Step 1. Select the “Podcasts” app on your mobile device to open.

Step 2. Select the “Search” button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Step 3. Type “Figure Out Your Life” into the search bar, and then tap on the show.

Step 4. Scroll down to “Ratings & Reviews,” and then tap “Write a Review.”

Step 5. Fill out the starts (I love 5 stars!!!) and write in your review, and then click the “Send” button.

Method 2: From the iTunes Store app

Step 1. Select the “iTunes Store” app on your mobile device to open.

Step 2. Select the “Search” button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Step 3. Type “Figure Out Your Life with Toya T” into the search bar, but don’t tap on any of the podcast episodes. (If you do, the Podcast app will open and you will have to follow the steps in Method 1). Instead, force-press twice on the show under the “Podcasts” section until you are popped into the details page.

Step 4. Tap the “Reviews” tab and then “Write a Review.”

Step 5. Fill out the starts (I love 5 stars!!!) and write in your review, and then click the “Submit” button.

Thank you in advance for your support of Figure Out Your Life with Toya T.